Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Highly Interactive 360imagery Virtual Tour of 120 Edmund Street, Birmingham

Virtual Tour of 120 Edmund Street, Birmingham for PRUPIM by 360imagery
360imagery were recently commissioned to create a stunning virtual tour of 120 Edmund Street, in Birmingham. This was our 5th project for the client, PRUPIM, based on the success of our previous tours for them.

We begin our tour with an opening 360 panorama scene taken from 8 metres in the air. This is something that we specialise in, and is a system that we designed in house. It gives a fantastic 'wow factor' opening shot to the frontage of any building - it gets the viewers eye above any 'street furniture' and will give maximum marketing impact. Take a look for yourself at how effective this is by either clicking on the links below, or on the post image above.

This tour is navigated both by thumbnails taking you to individual scenes, or by our bespoke designed floating navigational arrows. We have had a lot of feedback from our clients that visitors taking their virtual tours have a more interactive experience if they are actually able to take a 'virtual walk' around a property or location.

We keep all of our work in house, and design and create every element of your project. For example, all the design of the graphics is based on the client corporate identity, logo and colour sway. A 360imagery tour will blend seamlessly into your existing website.

All of our photography uses the very latest photographic equipment and technologies, and we will only ever use High Dynamic Range photography techniques, as standard. In a 360imagery piece of work you will never find imbalances between the high and low lights of an image, in other words NO blown out / glaring windows or loss of detail in photos. You only have to compare our end results to those produced using cheap 'off the shelf' packages offered by other companies to see the difference in the attention to detail and quality of the resulting tour.

This is published in Flash, HTML5 & CS3 for viewing on all current platforms - PC, iPhone, iPad, Android etc. To view the tour in Flash click here, alternatively is you are using an iDevice click here.

360imagery are one of the leading 360 virtual tour companies in the UK. Just get in touch to have a chat about how one of our stunning virtual tours will help your website come alive, by visiting us at


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